Press Releases

The SEEDRUG project and its activities have been announced many times during the first 24-27 months of the project (01/2012 -03/2014, presented and commented in a large number of local and national newspapers’ editions (~20 editions), through a UPAT’s Press Release, National Documentation Center’s press release and  University’s web-site and others.

Among the most important advertisement or promotion activities of the SEEDRUG project one should mention the:

(a) presentation of the SEEDRUG project (was selected among various REGPOT projects) at WIRE 2012 (The Week of Innovative Regions 2012) at Krakow, Poland at June 4-5 2012 (Presentation by G.A. Spyroulias).

(b) presentation of the two SEEDRUG project by two consortium Members, the Assoc Prof Stavros Taraviras from the UPAT’s School of Medicine & the Assoc Prof Georgios Spyroulias (Coordinator, Dept of Pharmacy, UPAT) at the 1st Health Forum, to a broad audience in Patras, including medical doctors and scientists working in SMEs, private labs in the fields of Biochemical analysis, Diagnosis and citizens of Patras.

(c) presentation of the Inauguration of the SEEDRUG Biomolecular NMR facility (11 October, 2013) by a number of National & local newspapers and the visit and particvipation at this event of the Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 2002, Prof Kurt Wuthrich. The participation of Prof Kurt Wuthrich at this SEEDRUG event was also presented at December Issue of the Newsletter published by the Swiss Embassy at Athens.

(d) presentation of the SEEDRUG project and the Biomolecular NMR Facility at the new building of the UPAT’s Department of Pharmacy at the Dods Parliamentary Magazine. The presentation was published at the January issue of the Dods magazine where the magazie has an extended section related with Greek EU Presidency (first half of 2014).

(e) presentation of the activities of the SEEDRUG project and the Biomolecular NMR group at the Department of Pharmacy, by the Greek Ministry of Education (videos are available at the follow link: )

(f) Press article for the Honorary doctorate of prof. Kurt Wurthrich

(g) Press article for the See-Drug Conference